Auto Green / Standby Problem: Coocaa 40S3M Software Installation
If you encountered the defect or symptoms as show above with Coocaa 40S3M, then you need to install a fresh operating system, burn new keys and MAC address to your TV. Defect symptoms are as follows, when the TV plugin to the power source, it's light indicator turns red then green for a while then going back into red. Please refer to the above video for your reference. In order for you to update the software of Coocaa 40S3M you will need the following; Coocaa 40S3M: Please refer to the video below for step by step software update guide / instructions: Step by Step Guide on how to install Coocaa 40S3M Fresh Software Kindly visit Tech N Tech for continue reading and software download: Coocaa 40S3M Auto Green and Standby Problem Only: Problem Solved by Software Update